Learn javascript
Learn javascript

Modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge are built to handle JavaScript quickly and accurately.Ī brief note here - while JavaScript and Java share names and creators, the two languages don’t overlap all that much. Today, JavaScript is a fully fledged language that can facilitate complex interactions and build dynamic, engaging website features. JavaScript brought new utility and speed to early websites, and its usefulness only increased as internet connection speeds rose and the web expanded. Making matters worse, most users at the time relied on dial-up connections, which slowed the communication between servers and web pages to a glacial pace. Before JavaScript, server-side languages were required to validate any data entered into a website, which made interactive features clunky at best. JavaScript’s creators developed the language to address the new programming challenges posed by the internet.

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In its earliest iterations, JavaScript was known as Mocha, Lichescript and ECMAScript, though none stuck quite as well as the name we know today. It was developed by Netscape, the creators of the leading browser of the time, Netscape Navigator, in collaboration with Sun Microsystems, the company that created Java, in 1995. JavaScript is a language built with web development in mind. Here’s a practical example - a JavaScript function might check on-page forms to ensure that all necessary fields are completed before sending any information to the server.įrom a practical standpoint, JavaScript is often used in tandem with HTML and CSS to create dynamic, responsive web pages. This functionality cuts down on the amount of communication between a given page and its server and allows certain functions to run even after a web page has finished loading. JavaScript is also a client-side language, which means that its source code passes through a client’s web browser instead of the webserver. OOPs are designed to allow coders to structure and modify programs quickly. As an object-oriented language (OOP), JavaScript depends on objects, or data structures that hold data and the applicable functions.

learn javascript

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used most often in web development - although, as we mentioned earlier, it can be applied to other coding fields.

Learn javascript