Popcorn time download windows 10
Popcorn time download windows 10

popcorn time download windows 10

Sudo rm -rf $HOME/tmp $HOME/popcorn-app-$version $HOME/npm-debug.log $HOME/.npm $HOME/.cache/bower $HOME/.config/configstore/insight-bower.yml $HOME/.config/configstore/update-notifier-bower.yml $HOME/.local/share/bower $log $HOME/.npm &

popcorn time download windows 10

Sudo add-apt-repository -yr ppa:chris-lea/node.js &> /dev/null & Sudo apt-get autoremove -y &> /dev/null & Sudo apt-get purge nodejs -y &> /dev/null & Sudo rm -rf $installdir/Popcorn-Time /usr/share/pixmaps/popcorntime.png /usr/bin/popcorn-time $HOME/tmp $HOME/popcorn-app-$version $HOME/npm-debug.log $HOME/.npm $HOME/.cache/bower $HOME/.config/configstore/insight-bower.yml $HOME/.config/configstore/update-notifier-bower.yml $HOME/.local/share/bower $log $HOME/$ $HOME/.npm/ Sudo chmod -R 774 $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/data Sudo chown -Rf $USER:$USER $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/data & Sudo cp -r /tmp/popcorn-config/data $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/ &> /dev/null & Sudo cp -r $HOME/.config/Popcorn-Time/data /tmp/popcorn-config/ &> /dev/null You need to run this without 'root' or 'sudo' privileges." & If ps -U root -u root u | grep "$lock" | grep -v grep > /dev/null thenĮcho "Error. & arch=64 || arch=32įor lock in synaptic update-manager software-center apt-get "dpkg " aptitude #Thanks to Andrew for func_apt, nodejs PPA and libudev fix. This will take about 10-30min to complete. Remove the packages used by this script to build PT if you don't want them in the future.Remove building files if you don't want them anymore.Install Popcorn-Time with shortcuts and commandline options if you wish.Choose the plateform you want to build for (mac,win,linux32-64).Then, use your terminal and launch the script: bash script Note : on 12.04, there's no, so we'll need to symlink it from HOW-TOĬopy-paste the following lines into a text file, I'll name it script for the example.

popcorn time download windows 10

Note : there currently is 1 bug with the installation files : nodejs binary being misnamed, you can fix it by a simple symlink from 'nodejs' to 'node'. npm uses bower and grunt-cli to build the files: that's why you can't use the usual. To build and install Popcorn-Time from sources, you'll need nodejs and npm. It works flawlessly on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 64bits, but should work with every maintained version and every architecture. This script will help you build Popcorn Time dev-0.3 on Ubuntu Linux from the Github sources.

Popcorn time download windows 10