Vm client
Vm client

vm client

SMCPROP EXEC can also be used with VMOPERATOR to trap DETACH messages. Refer to the IBM publication CMS Planning and Administration for information about the PROP service. RTABLE SAMPLE is provided to use the SMCPROP action routine with PROP. SMCPROP EXEC is an "action routine" which may be invoked from the VM PROP service to automatically issue VM Client DISMOUNT commands when a TapePlex transport is DETACHed from a virtual machine, enabling the volume to be available (that is, unselected) earlier than would otherwise be possible. The volume would be unavailable to any requestor until removed (or DISMOUNTed) from the drive. This would leave any StorageTek DETACHed TapePlex volume in a "selected" state while still residing in an automated TapePlex transport.

vm client

VM (CP) causes a "Rewind Unload" command to be executed on any tape drive DETACHed by the CP commands LOGOFF, FORCE, or DETACH. The SMCPROP EXEC is provided for use as a PRogrammable OPerator ( PROP) action routine to process all of the following type of messages, which CP sends to the system console:

Vm client